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Ask Him!

I used to be the kind of person who needed a plan for everything. I didn’t like being kept in the dark and if I could organise something to go the way I wanted it to, I would. Many times I would worry about things that were weeks ahead. I thought that was just the way I was: a particular, detail-oriented person and I assumed I couldn’t change even if I wanted to. The downside to living like this was that I began to take matters into my own hands, believing that if I worked hard enough and planned meticulously I could succeed. I didn’t realise at the time that this was directly opposing the command of Him whom I claimed to follow and hope in.

For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.” Romans 21:3 (NIV) In this verse, Paul charges the Romans to humble themselves before God and live with faith. Something I learned recently is that God has actually given us all faith. Faith doesn’t just belong to certain people, people who’ve walked with God for years or who are naturally carefree. Faith belongs to all of us as a body of Christ. This realisation stripped me of any pretences I had been fostering, it showed me that my “particular personality” was just an excuse I had been hiding behind to avoid trusting God completely. Paul’s charge to “think of ourselves with sober judgement” really humbled me, I had been living as though I was in control of my own life, forgetting that my Creator had been ordering my steps all along.

When you don’t know God’s character it’s difficult to submit to Him entirely. It’s easier to just give Him the parts of yourself that you think are the best parts and avoid showing Him who you truly are. In Psalm 139:13 (NIV) David says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” God knows us more personally than anyone ever could and even when we try to hide from Him, He sees us. Despite our problems and troubles He loves and accepts us. This is why it’s so futile to try and escape the breadth of his everlasting love because the Bible says that even if we were to go into the heavens or the depths of the sea, He would be sure to find us. (Psalm 139:8)

Humbling myself and learning to trust God completely was difficult and sometimes I still struggle with it, but something I’ve learned throughout my walk with God is that even when you aren’t your best, He will meet you where you are and support you. God is constant, He never changes and He has always been reliable and trustworthy; if you ask Him to reveal Himself to you, He certainly will. He is our strength when we are weak and He is so dependable - He’ll never let you carry a burden on your own. Eventually, God showed me that I didn’t have to struggle every day to make things work out and I didn’t always need a contingency plan. All I had to do was ask, ask for grace and strength, wisdom and patience and whatever else I may need. He showed me that He is perpetually at my side and I am never forsaken. Of course, we should be prepared when we can and try our best to remain organised but at the end of it all only our Father knows His will for us and He says, “ “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ” Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) We can take comfort in these words and believe that every day God will give us the grace we need to face both our trials, temptations, fears and whatever else life may throw at us. In all things, He has promised to be with us.

Learning this set me at ease and showed me that I can enjoy my life with God even when I don’t know the outcome. Even when things are uncertain and we don’t know what we’re going to do we must trust Him. In fact, those are the times when we need to pray and trust ferociously and immovably. God created us to depend on Him and I can honestly say that relying on Him to guide, lead and protect me is the only way I have overcome the challenges I have. Whenever I lay my cares on Him and trust Him to give me the grace I need to overcome them, He makes a way where I never would have seen one. God always provides us with grace sufficient for the task at hand.

I encourage you to risk everything and give it to God. So many times we let things burden our minds that truly we shouldn’t be dealing with on our own. Whatever is bothering you, lay it at the foot of the cross and believe that you have been given a measure of faith and enough grace to conquer it. Take comfort in the fact that above all else, God will never leave you alone; He will always be there to support and uplift you. Ask Him for grace today and truly set your burdens before Him - you’ll be surprised at how He works every single thing in your life for good.


5 comentarios

19 nov 2021

What a blessing indeed! Thank you Nganzi for reminding us all of how wonderful it is to live a life of surrender🙏🏾🙏🏾May the Lord helps us to find rest in Him always.

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12 nov 2021

I was so blessed + humbled by this. Thank you 😊

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05 nov 2021


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05 nov 2021

Thanks for the powerful content

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05 nov 2021

Even just reading this humbles me. May the LORD continue to bless you Kiki and 💜

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