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Believe in Yourself

I believe that we all have an innate desire to improve. To become better and challenge ourselves so that we can be used in God’s kingdom to spread the Gospel and share the truth of Jesus Christ with others. I think human beings are wired this way for the purpose of glorifying God. God puts certain desires and ambitions in our hearts that are in line with the abilities and talents He gives us - only He knows the entire plan for our lives and what we can achieve with our gifts and so He gives us a small piece of the big picture to motivate and inspire us. I can’t even imagine a life without goals, aspirations and dreams because that’s the basis of work. It’s why we work so hard, it’s why we become resilient, diligent and it forces us to keep going when we don’t feel like it. Unfortunately, sometimes we let our dreams slip through our fingers because of doubt and unbelief planted in our hearts by the enemy. That’s why today I want to talk about something I think is so important - believing in yourself.

God can give us some overwhelming dreams. Sometimes we can’t wrap our heads around the things He tells us to do and it may not even seem like a possibility, especially if it seems like circumstances, timing, background and various other factors handicap us. It’s so easy to come up with every excuse as to why we’re not qualified, why we can’t do what we’re called to, why we’re not the right fit or it isn’t the right time. Sometimes we allow ourselves to become so bound by fear and insecurities that we refuse to even try and see, we won’t even give ourselves a chance for fear of failing. This is so sad because God has given us huge dreams so he can use us for huge things and if we just trust Him He’ll support us so that we mount on wings like eagles. The things we do could advance God’s kingdom immensely; we could save souls, we could create new things to inspire people and have a great impact. If we allow God to use us, if we truly surrender to Him, our power is infinite. The devil knows that if he can keep us restrained by fear, he has control. He knows that if he can cause us to self-sabotage with doubt, uncertainty and fear, he’ll have nothing to worry about.

It’s easy to let the devil tell us lies because it’s so much more comfortable to remain where we are. It’s just simpler to believe his deception and not have to change because that way we never have to leave our comfort zone. Believing this helps us to avoid the reality that God chose us. The reality that He wants to use us and no one else can do what we were made for. God knows that and so does Satan. That’s why it’s especially at pivotal moments when God is calling you to rise higher, leave your comfort zone and take on a new challenge that the devil will come down hard on you. He’ll tell you you’re just going to fail, so why try? Just quit while you’re ahead. He’ll tell you you’re only going to embarrass yourself, it’s not going to last, it’s not going to make any difference so leave it alone. In times when that voice pesters us more than ever, we have to know we’re coming so close to God’s wonderful destiny for our lives.

Unsurprisingly, the devil can use all sorts of channels to get to you. He’ll turn well-meaning comments from people you love into obstacles to prevent you from achieving your dreams. Other times he’ll use your weaknesses, past mistakes and insecurities to keep you rooted in your past so that you’ll miss your future. He’s desperately trying to find your weaknesses to restrain you and keep you stuck in a vicious cycle of distrust and apprehension. Undoubtedly, though, the most dangerous weapon he can use against you is causing you to lose faith in yourself.

I believe as children of God there’s no reason for us to be timid, pitiful creatures. Luke 10:19 (NIV) says, “​​I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” This means that all Satan’s schemes against us are futile if we know our power and authority over him. The problem is many of us think we don’t have what it takes and we aren’t qualified enough. The truth is no one is qualified though, God qualifies those who step out in faith and believe they can do what He says they can. He qualified a nameless shepherd boy to slay giants and fight great battles; He qualified Nehemiah, the king’s cupbearer to rebuild the mighty walls of Jerusalem despite huge opposition. God qualified Gideon calling him a “mighty warrior” when he was threshing wheat in his father’s field. We need to realise that God doesn’t see us the way we do. He knows all His creation and He says it is good. He knows your potential and He will call you a mighty warrior, a world changer, an indomitable leader long before you ever feel that way yourself.

This means there’s no need to worry that you’ll fail or that it won’t work out because believe me if God says you can do it there isn’t anyone who can take that away from you. God is able to do “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20 NIV) and that gives us an assurance and confidence that surpasses all the doubt the devil can throw at us. It’s true that the only person who can hold you back is yourself, if you believe in yourself no opponent will be able to dishearten you. On the other hand, if you don’t think you can do it, no support and encouragement from others will ever change your situation.

That’s why we must renounce fear today because the Bible heartens us saying, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7 NIV) We need to believe that God can and will do what He says and that He’ll do it even better than we could ever have hoped for. But the first step is believing that God chose us and we are capable through Him. Acknowledge your power in Christ and believe the truth that He has made you more than a conqueror. I can guarantee you that if you do this, all the devil’s plans will be frustrated - he will become powerless and you will fulfil God’s perfect plan for your life in Jesus’ name!



Sep 11, 2021

Powerful message Nganzi🙏🏾🙏🏾 Such an encouragement to be bold and fearless in our pursuit of God’s purposes. David ran towards Goliath not away from him. May God help us run our races with that same courage and boldness🙏🏾🙏🏾


Sep 11, 2021

Thanks for the message


ham shaw
ham shaw
Sep 10, 2021

I love the message 🙏


Timothy Kagweza
Timothy Kagweza
Sep 10, 2021

Huge thanks, powerful message there


Sep 10, 2021

So powerful Kiki! Wow, I really feel like this was speaking to me in the numerous endeavours I have undertaken and then dropped because of self-doubt. I will do my best to change everyday! -Mumu

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